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The Power of Podcasting: How Starting a Podcast Can Benefit Your Company

Have you ever thought about running a podcast for your business but also wondered about the benefits and if its worth it?

Here’s some points to think about when it comes to deciding if its right for your business.

Podcasting has become one of the highest online platforms available and its a great option to advertise your business. There are now over 2 million podcasts which may make it seem like a saturated market, but there are more than 420 million podcast listeners around the world.

Its a platform that is only going to get bigger, with 62% of consumers of the US listening to podcasts, thats a huge market to advertise to, and it can even be done for free, compared to the thousands that can very easily be spent on TV and radio advertising.

In Australia alone, monthly online audio listening went from 56% of the population listening in 2017, all the way up to 78% by 2022.

Here are some tips to run a successful podcast:

1. Choose a great name and logo

People are going to be drawn in by that title, make sure it says in the title exactly what it is that you do. A colourful and bold logo can make you stand out too.

2. Know the equipment

The equipment is fairly easy to get used to, but can seem daunting at first. There are plenty of free audio softwares to run your podcast. There are even easier options to be all in one if you’re happy to go straight through an audio take with no corrections etc like the zoom podtrak p4 or p8.

3. Do you need a jingle?

Do you need an introduction to your podcast thats going to make it stand out. It may seem stupid but people are going to remember that catchy jingle and remind them of your podcast and listening to the latest episode every time it gets stuck in their head.

4. Who is my audience?

Know where to advertise your podcast and where to get it out to. You could run social media advertisements to target your audience that you are trying to reach. Making regular podcasts can also be a very useful tool for internal communications, training staff and keeping all departments up to date with the latest developments in your organisation

5. Know your subject

This may seem very obvious, but break down exactly what you’re going to talk about in your episode. Make bullet points and a clear outline of what you want you want to cover in that episode. You don’t want to rant for an hour just scratching the surface of the subjects and find you could have gone more into depth about core topics and made 4 more episodes about it. The title of each of these episodes will draw people in when they find the specific title that they’re looking for, and this will draw them in to listen to the others you have to offer.

In conclusion, starting a podcast can be a great way to advertise your business, reach a large audience, and provide valuable content to your listeners. With the growing popularity of podcasting and the ease of entry, it's an opportunity that businesses should consider. By following the tips provided in this article, such as choosing a great name and logo, knowing your equipment, targeting your audience, and preparing your content, you can create a successful podcast that will help your business grow. So, don't be afraid to give it a try and see what benefits podcasting can bring to your company.

This blog was written by Todd Edwards, Managing Director at Flexy AV. Flexy AV are an audio visual production company based near Wrexham, North Wales. They have covered the UK for all events, including: business conferences, awards ceremonies, festivals and parties, and provide audio, film and lighting for all sized events. Flexy AV also offer podcasting solutions to set up your business to run your own podcast, from the equipment, to training and uploading your very first podcast. If an AV company or podcast is something you are considering for your event, email Todd Edwards at

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